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I am not sure how they looked it up, but GWTW is still available on the Aussie Project Gut., just looked at it,

hmm, very interesting article.. I wonder what will become of it tho?? any ideas?

Public Domain Books: Online - http://www.PDBooksOnline.com

Interesting piece.

You should not forget that there is a lot of material PD in the US but not in Europa (works published before 1923, author not 70 years dead) which is made available in the web by US libraries according to US law (e.g. a brittle book in OHIOLINK by Friedrich Meinecke).

Further you may wish to know that the copyright term in Mexico is 100 years pma. Mexican users e.g. of Kafka's works in the WWW have to be blocked.

Reading of protected works should be free anywhere. You should not advocate censorship by giving the advice to libraries being "careful".

Yip Yu comments on this entry over at Copyfutures. Yip writes (in part):

"... I think the proper way to resolve this discrepancy should be by negotiation of international treaties and/or adoption of international conventions like WIPO rather than forcing the proverbial square peg into a round hole by forcing the adversary to give up legal rights intended to benefit the public or face the threat of financial ruin."


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