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I would like very much to contact Mrs. Pat Schroder, could you possibly assist me. I know Mrs Schroder worked on the Whistle Blowers Bill in Washington in the mid eighties. I will be in Denver around the 5th March, maybe Mrs. Schroder has an office there. Please help me if you can
Thanking you

Anastasia M. Kavanagh (Anna)

Thanks Ann - I'm hotlinking part of the discussion to make it easy for folks to stop by there. The discussion raises many cautions:

Added later: I added some comments to the ongoing vibrant discussion at her blog, linked above. Ann is a law professor and the author of Electrifying Copyright Norms and Making Cyberspace More Like a Book, Villanova Law Review, Vol. 48, p. 13, 2003.

I've posted a few concerns about the Google project at Sivacracy.net (http://www.nyu.edu/classes/siva/) if anyone is interested. Now back to grading exams...

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