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I greatly enjoyed your presentation at the RILA conference. You asked to share our stories. I've enclosed a link to a story that you may or may not know about. It's from back in 2002.


Best wishes and thanks for making your expertise available to us.

I think gaining understanding for this subject is really important. I personally think that one should gain as much information and knowledge as possible on this topic. The more we know the better we deal in different type of situations. Here is another related page that may be of interest to some, it’s all about child behavior problems, here it is http://www.parenting-education-rights.com/Child-Behavior-Problems.php

The Rural Libraries Initiative in CA has an online Clearinghouse at resourceroundup.net. Content in this online product was suggested by a panel of rural librarians. There is a section on Unattended Children's Policies. To view, go to resourceroundup.net, register by recording your email address, click on "Policies, Procedures, Manuals," and go to Unattended Children in the drop down menu.

The McAllen library system has a problem that is rare: many of the children that are here are waiting for parents that are in another country. When the bridge to Reynosa (Mexico) gets backed up, children may wind up waiting hours past closing. It's not uncommon for parents that work in the maquiladoras of Reynosa to cross the border four times a day to drop off and pick up their children who are attending McAllen schools. This suggests other problems

in the immediate vicinity of and in visual contact

Our city has an ordinance like this for dogs in the park. People ignore it because they think it applies only to others.

Here's ours - Washoe County Library, Reno, NV. In brief: No child aged nine or under may be left unattended in any area of the library. Children nine (9) years of age and younger must be supervised by a caregiver at least thirteen (13) years old who is able to attend to the child's safety and insure appropriate behavior. The rest is here: http://tinyurl.com/yupzmg

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