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I've got to say I am with Armineh on this one...it sounds to me like nothing more than a local notable has been invited. I wonder if in postings like this we might sometimes forget that local churches and their congregations can be big supporters and promoters of community services and civic responsibilities-- like libraries.

From what I read here, this doesn't appear to be a church/state violation. It's possible that I've missed some important detail that makes it so.

I’m pretty confident that if another of St. George’s home town boys had instead become a Catholic prelate or prominent Protestant leader that the townspeople would have been equally willing to have that person come to dedicate the new library. Given the fact that Jeffrey Holland was a high school jock on two state championship teams, oversaw an international educational organization, was president of a sizable university, and now is one of the likely persons to lead the whole Mormon Church, it seems odd to me that he would have to decline future civic participation because he’s also a religious leader. Perhaps they should have invited someone to dedicate the library who was an atheist so as to insure that church and state cannot be mixed?

The LDS tabernacle was the site of the meeting. I know that LDS meetinghouses have often served as places of shelter during natural disasters. Perhaps that too is a worrisome combination of church and state—or maybe it’s okay to use religious facilities only when there’s a disaster but never during a civic celebration?

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