Reprinted with permission:
Mary--Though I'd keep you updated on what I'm doing with our privacy policy at MCL related to 2.0. Recently added these two paragraphs:
Under Choice and Consent:
If we make a service available for your convenience that may in some way lessen our ability to protect the privacy of your personally identifiable information or the confidentiality of information about your use of library materials and services, we will: 1.) Provide you with a privacy warning regarding that service; and 2.) Make it possible for you to "opt in" or "opt out" of that service. (Here I was contemplating things like saved reading history in the ILS)Under Third Party Security
Some users may choose to take advantage of RSS feeds from the library catalog, public blogs, hold and overdue notices via e-mail or text message, and similar services that send personal information related to library use via public communication networks. These users must also be
aware that the library has limited ability to protect the privacy of this information once it is outside our control.Also, note that the change to the Oregon privacy exemption passed and was signed by the Governor:
Oregon Revised Statute 192.502 (22) exempts from disclosure under open records law:
The records of a library, including: (a) Circulation records, showing use of specific library material by a named person; (b) The name of a library patron together with the address or telephone number of the patron; and (c) The electronic mail address of a patron.
Multnomah County Library's privacy and confidentiality policies are in compliance with applicable federal, state, and local laws.I did a privacy workshop a couple weeks ago for library managers in Washington County--I thought it went very well. I adapted the presentation from the PORTALS Privacy 2.0 workshop.
Hope all is well with you!