I'm on the faculty for this one day Institute. I highly recommend it to library attorneys and board members. My topic will be on Library 2.0 and legal issues that libraries with blogs, wikis, etc. face (privacy, free speech, copyright).
CHICAGO - The American Library Association (ALA) will present a “Lawyers for Libraries” Training Institute Feb. 27, 2009 in Los Angeles, Calif. This date is changed from the previously announced date of Feb. 20, 2009.
The Lawyers for Libraries Institute is primarily intended to equip attorneys with tools they need to effectively defend the First Amendment in libraries. Participants will be instructed by practicing attorneys specializing in First Amendment law and will be eligible for continuing legal education (CLE) credits for their participation.
Among the topics to be covered during the institute are:
* Privacy, law enforcement requests for records and the USA PATRIOT Act;
* Public forum analysis and libraries, including developing meeting room and display case policies;
* Internet filtering and the ongoing repercussions of the Supreme Court’s CIPA decision;
* How to respond to attempts to censor books and other library materials.
In addition, a panel of librarians will discuss their real-world experiences with creating and enforcing library policies.
Lawyers for Libraries workshops are open to licensed, practicing attorneys retained to represent or advise libraries on legal issues. Library trustees or board members who are responsible for establishing library policy may also attend. Librarians may attend if they are accompanied by a library attorney.
The training is from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at the Westin Los Angeles Airport, 5400 West Century Blvd. Lodging is available at the hotel at just $139 per night.
* To reserve by phone, call (310) 216-5858 and reserve using group code: Lawyers for Libraries.
* To reserve online, go to http://www.starwoodmeeting.com/StarGroupsWeb/res?id=0809296986&key=9DC04 .
The discounted rate is good for stays three days prior to and three days after the institute. Reservations must be made by Feb. 5, 2009, to receive the discounted rate.
To register for the “Lawyers for Libraries” institute, contact Jonathan Kelley, (800) 545-2433, ext. 4226, or e-mail [email protected]. Online registration and additional information are available at www.ala.org/lawyers. The cost to attend an institute is $395 for one and $745 for two.