I just watched Neil Gaiman in the kick-off video (20 minutes) for the first-ever Choose Privacy Week. I recommend it highly. Find out what he has to say,about his family’s privacy, and his idea for a sequel to his “I Google You” (late at night when I don’t know what to do) song. Cory Doctorow tells the truth about why he cares about privacy. I also really liked all the students who say what privacy means to them. Not what I expected. The week’s activities and resources are sponsored by ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom, Choose Privacy Week, made possible in part by a grant from the Open Society Institute. Lots more resources on engaging the public in privacy awareness discussions at www.privacyrevolution.org, including possible events in your area. And yes, the inevitable ironic social media outreach at www.facebook.com/chooseprivacyweek and www.twitter.com/privacyala with #chooseprivacy tag.
One of my all time favorite resources is the epic privacy tools page, where you can go to find sources for snoop proof email, anonymous surfing, cookie busters etc. More at Epic.org (scroll down for EPIC privacy tools), and policy news at epic.org, privacy.org and privacycoalition.org.
Just found your blog to day Privacy is very important and here is a good site to use for email http://hidemyemail.co/?ref=ed
Posted by: Al Eddy | August 12, 2014 at 04:01 PM